Saturday 31 May 2014

Grand Mosque of Sousse _ Tunisia

Grand Mosque of Sousse _ Tunisia

It is located near the Ribat. The Great Mosque of Sousse was built in 850 during the reign of the Aghlabid emir Abu el Abbas, as the model of the Great Mosque of Sidi Okba Kairouan. The mosque looks like a fortress with a massive architecture, flanked by two small tours. There is a long rectangular courtyard, prayer hall, divided into 13 aisles inside which is very extended. 

Grand Mosque of Sousse _ Tunisia

The prayer hall is ornated with a kufic script with italic letters, The originality of the mosque lies in the fact that it has no minaret, which was not considered to be essential at that time. It is a mosque in a simple style and rich, beautiful and austere at the same time .


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